Effective inventory management is crucial for Real Health Uganda to minimize waste and optimize resources. By utilizing strategic practices and the right tools, we can ensure efficient operations and resource utilization. This page provides a comprehensive guide to key strategies and tools specific to our organization.

Key Strategies

1. Inventory Tracking Systems

Description: Real-time inventory tracking helps monitor stock levels, forecast demand, and identify slow-moving items.

Benefits: Reduces manual errors, provides accurate stock information, and supports data-driven decisions.

Tools Used:

  • RQ04 Form: Used for detailed inventory tracking and monitoring.
  • Form150: Assists in managing stock levels and recording inventory data.
  • JQT Form: Helps in quality checks and ensuring inventory accuracy.
  • IMPform 122: Used for inventory management and reporting purposes.

2. Regular Audits

Description: Regular audits help reconcile physical stock with recorded quantities and identify discrepancies.

Best Practices: Schedule periodic audits, use audit checklists, and address issues promptly.

Audit Template: TI Checklist template

3. Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory

Description: JIT inventory aims to reduce holding costs by ordering stock only when needed.

Benefits: Minimizes excess stock, reduces waste, and improves cash flow.

Implementation Tips: Analyze lead times, maintain strong supplier relationships, and monitor demand closely.

4. Demand Forecasting

Description: Forecasting demand using historical data and market trends helps adjust inventory levels. Tools & Methods: Statistical analysis, market research, and forecasting software.

5. FIFO (First In, First Out) Method

Description: FIFO ensures that older inventory is used or sold before newer stock.

Benefits: Prevents obsolescence and reduces waste.

Implementation Tips: Organize inventory to facilitate FIFO and train staff on the method.

6. Optimizing Stock Levels

Description: Setting reorder points and safety stock levels helps balance inventory without overstocking. Best Practices: Use historical sales data, adjust for seasonality, and review regularly.

7. Supplier Relationships

Description: Maintaining good relationships with suppliers ensures timely deliveries and flexible terms. Benefits: Reduces lead times and improves inventory management.

Tips: Communicate regularly, negotiate terms, and build strong partnerships.

8. Review and Adjust Policies

Description: Regularly review and adjust inventory policies to reflect performance data and business needs.

Best Practices: Analyze inventory metrics, gather feedback, and implement improvements.

9. Training Staff

Description: Well-trained staff ensure accurate tracking and efficient handling of inventory.

Training Resources: Inventory 360 Training

10. Waste Reduction Practices

Description: Manage damaged or expired inventory effectively to minimize waste.

Procedures: Recycling, donating usable items, and proper disposal methods.

Tools and Resources

  • Inventory Tracking Tools:
    • RQ04 Form
    • Form150
    • JQT Form
    • IMPform 122
  • Templates:
    • TI Checklist Template


Q: How often should I conduct inventory audits? A: Regular audits are recommended, typically quarterly or semi-annually, depending on the size and complexity of your inventory.

Q: What is the best way to forecast demand accurately? A: Use a combination of historical sales data, market trends, and forecasting tools to improve accuracy.