
The School Health Clubs were established to create a sustainable platform for peer-led health education within schools. The clubs aimed to promote healthy behaviors, raise awareness of key health issues, and empower students to take charge of their health and that of their peers.


Health clubs were set up in all 9 schools, with each club electing a leadership team and establishing a weekly meeting schedule. The clubs conducted various activities, including health education sessions, awareness campaigns, and peer counseling.

  • Leadership Training: Club leaders were trained in project management, public speaking, and health advocacy, equipping them to lead their peers effectively.
  • Activities Conducted: Clubs organized hygiene promotion campaigns, mental health awareness weeks, and SRH education sessions, reaching the entire student body.


  • Increased Awareness: The clubs significantly improved students’ knowledge of health issues, with a 40% increase in health literacy as measured by pre- and post-activity assessments.
  • Behavioral Impact: Schools reported a reduction in cases of absenteeism due to health issues, attributed to the club’s hygiene and health promotion activities.
  • Peer Support: The clubs provided a vital support network for students, particularly around mental health, where peer counseling played a crucial role in early intervention.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Challenge: Sustaining student engagement over time.
  • Solution: Clubs introduced a points-based reward system for active participation, which boosted ongoing involvement.
  • Challenge: Limited resources for club activities.
  • Solution: Schools partnered with local NGOs and health centers to provide materials and support for the clubs’ initiatives.


  • For Schools: Consider integrating health club activities into the formal school program and provide ongoing support and recognition for club leaders.
  • For Expansion: Pilot similar clubs in primary schools and evaluate their effectiveness in building early health literacy.