
The objective of the Enhancing the Capacity of Local Health Authorities reform is to build the capacity of local health authorities to effectively manage Primary Health Care (PHC) services. This reform aims to improve local health governance, enhance the management of healthcare services, and ensure that local health authorities are well-equipped to address the specific health needs of their communities.

Current Status

The reform is actively progressing with a focus on several key areas to strengthen local health authorities. Efforts are directed towards providing comprehensive training, technical assistance, and improving health information systems, alongside strengthening governance structures at the local level. These initiatives are designed to empower local health authorities to manage PHC services more effectively.

Key Activities

  1. Providing Training and Technical Assistance
    • Progress: Targeted training programs and technical assistance have been implemented to enhance the skills and knowledge of local health authority staff. These programs cover areas such as healthcare management, resource allocation, and operational efficiency.
    • Challenges: One challenge is ensuring that all local health authorities receive consistent and high-quality training. Efforts are being made to tailor training programs to the specific needs of different regions and to provide ongoing support.
    • Expected Outcomes: Enhanced skills and knowledge among local health authority staff are expected to lead to more effective management of PHC services and improved healthcare delivery within local communities.
  2. Improving Health Information Systems
    • Progress: The reform includes efforts to improve health information systems at the local level. This involves the implementation of digital tools and data management practices to streamline health information processing and reporting.
    • Challenges: Implementing new health information systems and ensuring their effective use can be challenging. Technical support and training are provided to address issues related to system integration and data security.
    • Expected Outcomes: Improved health information systems are anticipated to lead to more accurate data collection, better monitoring of health services, and informed decision-making at the local level.
  3. Strengthening Governance Structures
    • Progress: The reform focuses on strengthening governance structures within local health authorities. This includes improving organizational frameworks, enhancing accountability mechanisms, and fostering collaboration among local stakeholders.
    • Challenges: Building strong governance structures requires addressing existing gaps in leadership and management practices. Strategies are being implemented to promote best practices and ensure effective governance.
    • Expected Outcomes: Strengthened governance structures are expected to result in more responsive and efficient healthcare delivery, with local authorities better positioned to manage healthcare services and address community health needs.

Key Achievements

  • Enhanced Training and Technical Assistance: Comprehensive training programs and technical assistance have been provided, improving the capabilities of local health authority staff in managing PHC services.
  • Improved Health Information Systems: Digital tools and data management practices have been implemented, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of health information processing.
  • Strengthened Governance Structures: Governance frameworks have been improved, leading to more effective and accountable management of local health services.

Expected Outcomes

  • More Responsive Healthcare Delivery: Strengthening local health authorities is expected to result in more responsive and efficient healthcare delivery, with local governments better equipped to address the specific health needs of their communities.
  • Improved Management of PHC Services: Enhanced capacity at the local level will lead to better management of PHC services, improved resource allocation, and more effective implementation of health programs.
  • Enhanced Local Health Governance: Stronger governance structures will foster greater accountability, transparency, and collaboration, ultimately improving the overall quality of healthcare services provided at the local level.


The Enhancing the Capacity of Local Health Authorities reform has made significant strides in building the capacity of local health authorities to manage PHC services effectively. Through targeted training, improved health information systems, and strengthened governance structures, the reform aims to enhance healthcare delivery and ensure that local authorities are well-equipped to meet the health needs of their communities. Continued efforts to address challenges and refine the reform initiatives will be crucial for sustaining these improvements and achieving long-term benefits for local healthcare management.