
  • Objective: The purpose of this report is to document the strategies used by Real Health Uganda (RHU) to share nutrition and healthy eating information online and through community dialogues.
  • Scope: This report covers the methods of dissemination, community engagement, and feedback from participants.

1. Online Information Sharing

  • Website and Social Media Platforms: RHU has utilized its website and social media channels to share comprehensive information on nutrition and healthy eating. This includes detailed articles, infographics, and videos.
  • Content Strategy:
    • Regular Updates: Weekly posts on healthy eating tips, budget-friendly recipes, and nutrition education.
    • Interactive Content: Quizzes and polls to engage the audience and encourage participation.
    • Webinars: Monthly webinars hosted by nutritionists to answer questions and provide personalized advice.

2. Community Dialogues

  • Structure of Community Dialogues:
    • Small Group Sessions: RHU conducts small group sessions in communities to discuss nutrition and healthy eating. Each session includes a presentation, Q&A, and practical demonstrations (e.g., how to read nutritional labels, cooking demonstrations).
    • Target Audience: The sessions are tailored to different groups, including mothers, youths, and the elderly, ensuring that the information is relevant to each demographic.
  • Feedback Mechanism:
    • Surveys: Post-session surveys are conducted to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the dialogues and the information provided.
    • Follow-Up: Regular follow-up with participants to assess the impact of the information shared and provide additional support if needed.

3. Impact Assessment

  • Online Reach:
    • Metrics: The report includes data on website traffic, social media engagement, and webinar attendance.
    • User Engagement: Analysis of how users interact with the content (e.g., comments, shares, likes) and the types of questions asked during webinars.
  • Community Engagement:
    • Attendance: Number of participants in community dialogues and their demographic breakdown.
    • Behavioral Changes: Observations on how the information has influenced participants’ food choices and dietary habits.


  • Summary: The report concludes with a summary of the successes and challenges of the nutrition and healthy eating information campaign.
  • Recommendations: Suggestions for improving future online content and community dialogues, including expanding reach and tailoring content to meet the specific needs of different communities.