1. Project Overview

In December 2022, Real Health Uganda, with support from The Third Doctors, expanded its project efforts to provide continued educational and healthcare support to orphans in Uganda. The project aimed to sustain and build on the previous year’s successes by ensuring consistent access to educational materials and healthcare services.

2. Project Objectives

  • Increase distribution of scholastic materials to support educational continuity.
  • Enhance medical kits with additional hygiene products in response to ongoing health concerns.
  • Introduce vocational training for older orphans to prepare them for independent living.

3. Project Activities

  • Scholastic Materials Distribution: 97 orphans received enhanced scholastic materials, including reference books and educational aids.
  • Medical Kits Distribution: Medical kits were upgraded with hand sanitizers, face masks, and hygiene education pamphlets.
  • Vocational Training: Two older orphans were enrolled in vocational training programs focusing on tailoring and carpentry.

4. Project Outcomes

  • Educational Continuity: The provision of enhanced scholastic materials contributed to improved academic performance and engagement.
  • Health and Hygiene: The upgraded medical kits played a significant role in maintaining hygiene standards, reducing the incidence of illness.
  • Skill Development: The vocational training programs provided older orphans with practical skills for future self-sufficiency.

5. Challenges Encountered

  • Limited Resources: Funding constraints restricted the number of orphans who could participate in the vocational training programs.
  • Rising Costs: Increased costs of medical supplies affected the number of kits distributed.

6. Lessons Learned

  • Sustainability Focus: Introducing vocational training highlighted the need for long-term solutions to support orphans’ futures.