
We learn some hard truths about the 13 vitamins at the centre of your health, that are also driving a $100 billion supplement industry.

Most of us have taken a vitamin tablet at some point in our lives. We even give them to our children to help boost their nutrition, prevent poor health and battle common illnesses. But how much do we actually know about vitamins and the contents of the vitamin supplements we buy, without restriction, at chemists and supermarkets?

  1. Around a billion people pop vitamins pill, regularly
    According to journalist and author of Vitamania, Catherine Price, who spent five years investigating vitamins, the vitamin industry is worth about $40 billion a year in the USA and $100 billion world-wide.

    It’s estimated that over 85,000 vitamin products and dietary supplements are currently on the market.

    Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets.

  2. An orange a day could keep sailor’s scurvy away
    Scurvy, the scourge of sailors for centuries, is apparently making a comeback.

    Muller discovers that just outside of Boston, there have been 30 documented cases of scurvy – that’s the largest collection of scurvy cases in wealthy countries, outside war or exceptional circumstances.

    “There have been 30 documented cases of scurvy – that’s the largest collection of scurvy cases in wealthy countries, outside war or exceptional circumstances.”

    Sonny Lopez, a 60-year-old resident of Springfield, Massachusetts in the United States who lives on the poverty line, was one of the rare cases diagnosed with scurvy resulting from severe vitamin C deficiency.

    Prior to diagnosis, Sonny’s hair was thinning, his teeth had started to rot and he had extreme fatigue. However, he reversed his condition, under the guidance of primary care doctor at Baystate Medical Center, Dr Eric Churchill, who eventually prescribed him one orange a day.

  3. You can take too many vitamins and get very sick as a result
    Fat soluble ones vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K) are stored in our liver and fatty tissues. If consumed in excess, they easily build up to toxic levels.

    Excess levels of vitamin D caused baby Elizabeth Jackson from Omaha, Nebraska, to become so sick, she was dangerously close to kidney failure and potential death.

    Her mother, Becky, says that when Elizabeth was born, she unknowingly fed her homemade, organic formula that contained toxic levels of vitamin D, causing high levels of calcium in the baby’s blood. However, once the child’s accidental poisoning was discovered, doctors were able to restore her health.

    Elizabeth is now a healthy two year old with stable vitamin D and calcium levels.

  4. Even if they are branded “natural”, vitamin pills can contain synthetic materials
    The vast majority of vitamins produced today are synthetic, created in chemical factories. Most synthetic vitamins are chemically identical to the natural form but don’t have the fibre and nutrients that come with food.

  5. One week is all it takes for 75% of the vitamin C in an apple to be destroyed
    Advanced Accredited Practising Dietician from Wollongong University, Dr Yasmine Probst, tells Vitamania that vitamin C in some foods is so fragile that it degrades with time.

    One study shows that 75 per cent of vitamin C in an apple can be lost in one week.

    “It’s affected by heat, light, storage conditions and lots of other different things,” Dr Probst explains.

    To keep your apples fresher for longer, buy apples that are local to your area to ensure that part of their short shelf-life hasn’t expired during transportation. “The sooner you pick it and consume it, that’s probably the best.”

  6. The vitamin D in most supplements comes from Aussie wool or sheep
    Today, most of the world’s vitamin D pills are created from the greasy wool of sheep – mostly Australian sheep.

    Lanolin is a mixture of fatty acids produced by a sheep’s oil glands.

    Around 15 per cent of the lanolin is a form of cholesterol like the cholesterol under our skin. This is extracted and oxidised to produce a new compound radiated with ultraviolet light, transforming it into a precursor of vitamin D.

    “This chemical process mimics the biological process of the sunlight hitting our skin. Several more steps create the end product – synthetic vitamin D.

  7. Synthetic vitamin D3 may be worth more than gold
    Online, vitamin D3 sells for $50 AUD but packed in pill form, it sells for around $3,700 per gram.

    That makes vitamin D far more valuable than gold.

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